I respect the developers efforts but I cant believe this app has such great reviews. I recently downloaded this app because my normal nzb standby app mynzb has lost some search providers as most of you already know. The dev said he was working in an update but I thought in the meantime I would see how this worked as the reviews were so great. Wow. Im not even sure what to say.
I tried adding my new favorite newznab index site but cant seem to get that to take nor could I get it to take my default webpage. I believe this supports newznab but how? First strike.
Then I thought I would try browsing my index site even though this completely defeats the purpose of having a dedicated app as I already have my Sab tied into the newznab server for direct delivery of nzbs. I want the app to remove the need to browse websites on my phone. Strike two.
I added a nzb to my queue to test out the active downloads list. Not only is this list view odd looking but when I went to go rename my file it crashed the app. When i opened it back up i tried to remove the active download and it crashed again. I went back to mynzb and managed the queue without issue. Strike three.
I have patients for unattractive apps when they function properly and solve a need but this is just bad and at 2.99 its just wrong.
Do yourself a favor and spend the money on MyNZB. I have been using it for years, the dev keeps it up to date regularly and is active in the sabnzbd forums with features and whatnot. Thats what I get for being impatient.
JPL4 about SABMobile